

History of the Huntingdon Borough Building

St. Mary’s Covered Bridge: Date of Construction

Who Really Wrote “God Bless America”?

Growing Up in Petersburg (additional photographs)

Robert Allison’s Journey to Buffalo (complete text added)

West Township School Attendance Records

West Township School Records


The mission of the Huntingdon History Research Network is to give serious students of the county’s history a place where the results of their unpublished research projects are made available to others.

Browse the Research Projects and Historic Documents sections above and let interest and curiosity lead you into unexplored areas of local history.

Post your questions and comments on the Forum page, and read the guidelines for Submissions if you are a researcher with information to share.

Do you have a research project you would like others to comment on or help you with? Post your topic on the Work in Progress page, along with a brief description and the questions you are still trying to answer.